May 9, 2011

keeping it succinct...

Okay. With two itty kiddles about, I'm finding that free time has become a foreign, and increasingly elusive, concept. I'm sure any of the ten or so readers who frequent my little corner of the internet community have noticed a drastic decrease (read: complete disappearance) of posts here.

These days, however, I find I am suffering from a serious case of "housewife brain," a condition brought on and exacerbated by functioning solely in mommy-mode, with no creative (or even semi-creative) outlets to speak of. True story.

From now on, with a few exceptions, I'm going to be trying to post shorter, more frequent entries. Pinkie swear.

So, I've put it out there. Now I'm accountable, dear handful of readers. Let the blogging begin. Again.


Cambria said...

w00t! I for one will be happy to have you back!

.brittney. said...

Thanks, friend! It's good to be back!

Jessica Adams said...

HOOOOOORAY! I've missed you so so much! And now that I'm not on FB, I need you to blog! Yay!