As soon as the technician put that ultrasound wand on my bloated belly, I knew. He asked, "Do you want to know the sex?"
I thought to myself, "Uh, already I KNOW the sex. That, my friend, is a girl; there ain't a 'dangle' anywhere to be seen," but Hubs and I both just said, "Yes."
I watched as he typed on the screen the word I already knew was coming: girl.
I glanced at Hubs, worried that he might be crushed, but he was grinning from ear to ear. I was grinning, too.
We both enjoyed seeing our baby wiggle and move as the tech took measurements and saved pictures onto a flashdrive for us to take home. When he tried to get a profile shot, she kept her face turned just out of sight.
After a few minutes of trying to get a good close-up, the technician asked if I would push on the opposite side of my belly to try to get her to move. I did. Her response: to turn a little, but only to position herself better to give my hand several good kicks, as if to say, "Mom! Knock it off! You're crowding my space!" I had to laugh at her saucy antics. She has quite a personality already!
Our little girly bean is measuring four days ahead, is healthy as can be and, obviously, feisty to boot. Seeing her move around on the screen made me a little weepy. She is perfect. *happy sigh*
It may take a little while for the shock to wear off, since Hubs and I were both convinced that this one was a boy, but we are both thrilled!
And heck, we already know we make super cute girl babies; Ladybug is awfully adorable!
Here, for your viewing pleasure, are some pictures of Jelly Bean! The first is the best profile we could manage and the second is the series of pictures the tech took while she was kicking at my hand while trying to get said profile picture (click the image to make it larger). That last picture in that sequence shows her kicking with some pretty impressive force for a person who weighs less than a pound!
Isn't she just precious?
P.S. Today just happens to mark my 20th week on the nose, so even though I will likely be pregnant for longer than the typical 40 weeks, I'm counting today as halfway there! Huzzah!
I knew it (have I already said that?) I just knew it.
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